Photo by: Nikko Tan

Every person goes through their day with the thought of following a routine, including you, right? From the moment you wake up to something that you consistently do on a certain day of the week, everyone has a routine and/or tradition that they follow. For some, it could be visiting your parents’ home every weekend or going to the church every Sunday.

While one person’s norm could be unusual for the other, it all boils down to one thing: we are all finding our purpose and meaning in life. When it comes to that, the best answer would be to seek the guidance of God, especially believing in the resurrection of the promise.

Religion can be, for most, a rather sensitive topic. However, as long as the people involved in the conversation or discussion are all ones with an open mind, anything and everything can be talked about! After all, proper and effective communication leads to a better community for everyone and a more inclusive society where everyone is welcome to be themselves.

In this modern society, where there are many distractions surrounding all of us, it can be easy to fall into temptation, with the majority of those who become victims not even aware that they are already deep in it. Aside from that, those who choose to remain steadfast in their beliefs or principles are always challenged in their daily lives by their very surroundings.

The Lord and His Promises

With such difficult situations, people who choose to continue to live under God’s loving guidance are at times ridiculed by the majority of people, and so they shrink and/or hide away when they should never do so in the first place. When it comes to our own beliefs and principles, we must remain proud of them, especially when it comes to the Lord.

In Thomas Fitzhugh Sheets’ book entitled “On That Day,” he writes down an enlightening literary work that is divided into three, thus creating a trilogy. These are the titles of the books in order: “The Death of the Promise,” The Resurrection of the Promise,” and lastly, “The Land of the Promise.”

The three books all share one theme: The Lord’s Promise. Inspired when the author, Thomas Sheets, became a witness to the faith of the First Century Church, he writes in the stories a clear example of such faith through the Parable of the Ten Virgins. In the parable, the five wise virgins chose to live in anticipation and preparation for the soon-coming bridegroom. On the contrary, the other five virgins decided not to wait, which resulted in them being locked out.

When you trust in the Lord, your life can truly change, as you can see in Thomas’ book through the five wise virgins. If you are one of the many people who still seem a bit lost in their journey of life, don’t worry because everyone has been there. The good news? We are here to be the friend that you need as you go along and read this blog.

Feeling lost

Remember this: it is normal to feel lost in this world. If you feel that way, the bravest thing you can do is speak up, tell others, seek help and or guidance, especially with the one you can trust the most: the Lord. When it comes to connecting with the Lord, what you should do is communicate more with God.

As cliche as it sounds to all of us, its truth cannot be changed: that communication truly is the key. Proper and effective communication is the key that opens doors and builds connections. Aside from praying alone, you also have the chance to build a stronger connection with God by going to the Church. How can the Church benefit your life?

You will be closer to God.

There are many times in life when we feel alone, especially when we are going through challenges that seem heavy and never-ending. Knowing that someone is there for you can create a big difference, right? By being at the Church, you will be closer to God, listening to sermons and his teachings.

Photo by: Jacob Bentzinger

You get to participate in the sacrament.

Also known as communion, people who go to Church partake in the sacrament. Jesus said, “Take, eat: this is my body, which is broken for you: this do in remembrance of me” from 1 Corinthians 11:24).

You will feel uplifted by Church services.

Through the guidance at Church, we can learn how to follow God, which then improves our spirituality. Most of all, it helps us live better lives. People who share the same beliefs as you, fellow church members, will also surely contribute to you feeling uplifted, too!

Most of all, if and when you go to Church, you will feel connected with others. Not only that, but also supported and understood. So whenever you are ready, going to Church may just be the best decision you will make in life. It’s time for you to take one step closer to becoming closer to God by reading a book on religion, such as “On That Day” by Thomas Fitzhugh Sheets!

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